Thomas Ouellette as Adam
Mad Cow Theatre


“…one remembers to be thankful for live theater, where, from time to time, one can actually witness recognizable, sympathetic and very human characters simply trying to navigate the intricacies of their daily lives, and perhaps asking some of the big and important questions of one another while doing so – questions about faith, love, politics, family or friendship, for example.While all six actors give strong, believable performances, Ouellette provides the show’s gravitational center. His Adam is a smart, funny and honest person who struggles not with the pointless ephemera of existence, but rather with the important issues that the rest of us face all the time.” – Orlando Weekly

“Director Eric Zivot lets his actors emphasize the humor in their characters, to lighten the play’s heavy philosophical load. As Adam, Thomas Ouellette has the trickiest emotional journey, growing increasingly anxious in the present, yet interspersing happy and angry times in the past. He handles the transitions with aplomb and drops enough charm into his one-liners to make it credible a man 20 years his junior would fall for him.” – Orlando Sentinel